Whether you are a foreign-based student or an American-based college or company, you will find the answers and the assistance you need through our powerful team of education professionals at Global Education Services.
Are you an international student struggling with how to get accepted at an American college that best matches your interests and skills?
GESI’s counselors will guide you through the often confusing and complicated process of:
Identifying the education program and campus that is right for you.
Applying to your chosen institution or institutions.
Traveling to the U.S. and getting comfortably settled into your educational environment.


Are you an American college or university that wants to expand its recruitment of qualified international students as well as extend its partnerships with overseas academic institutions?
GESI networks to expand and enhance your international relationships by:
Bringing qualified international students for your consideration.
Arranging new partnerships with foreign educational institutions for greater academic and research collaboration as well as to establish satellite overseas campuses.
Are you a U.S. business that needs to diversify its recruiting of college graduates of excellence?
GESI provides continuity and excellence for your initiatives and goals:
Connecting you to qualified undergraduate and graduate students, especially in specialized areas of study such as technology and engineering.
Broadening your opportunities for internships, on-the-job training, faculty consulting and academic-industry research projects.

Why is GESI the right partner to help you?
Our expert team offers consultations to evaluate your company’s objectives and options. GESI then prepares and implements an action plan that is completely customized to address customized needs.